Philipp Gündisch

Philipp Gündisch, M. Sc.

Department Informatik (INF)
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 3 (Rechnerarchitektur)

Raum: Raum 07.153
Martensstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Philipp Gündisch is a scientific researcher at the chair of computer architecture. He is working on the POV.OS and IntelRadar project to enable project partners to run their computationally demanding algorithms on FPGAs. Furthermore, he is teaching students in the Computer Architecture exercise how to optimize C code for a specific processor chip. His research interests include:

  • Hardware Development with FPGAs
  • High Level Synthesis
  • Radar Signal Processing


  • POV.OS Professional Operating Vehicle Operating System (2023 – 2025)
  • IntelRadar (2023 – 2024)
  • ECAS (completed)

Teaching (current term)

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